Noorani Qaida lesson 10: In this chapter of the Resting sound, we have five special letters. When one comes to this lesson, one should know about these five letters. These letters are:
ق ، ط ، ب ، ج ، د
In a combined form these letters are written as قُطبَ جَد and these letters are called as “HUROOF UL QALQALA”. These are the only letters that produce the bouncing or echo sounds. Remember that other letters except these don’t have echo sounds.
In reality, if these letters are not pronounced correctly then you cannot tell what letter actually has been pronounced.
For these letters, you must push the sound outside the mouth. If the letter has sukoon then pronounce that sound without moving it as sukoon is opposite to harakah.
Harakah means to move the sound to the direction of fathah, kasrah or dammah. When the harakat is taken away, they are replaced by a sukoon which is a resting sound. If the above five letters come with sukoon, they produce a bouncing sound.
There is one rule about sukoon letters and that is they cannot read by itself. They always need harakah before it in order to pronounce. That’s why in this lesson all the sukoon letters have fathah, kasrah and dammah before them.
The second type of letters discussed in this lesson are SOFT LETTERS which are the opposite of QALQALA letters.
These letters are called as ھمس letters and are:
س ، ک ، ت ، ف ، ح ، ث ، ھ ، ش ، خ ، ص
In a group form these are written as:
سَکَتَ فحثّہُ شَخصٌ
When these letters are pronounced, air must come out from the mouth.
Here ک and ت are special letters. When pronouncing ت it is necessary to spit out the sound and for ک it is necessary to pronounce coughing sound.
خ and ر letters are also special letters. As you know both are heavy letters but if they have sukoon and also kasrah before it then these letters become light. So, they are pronounced as light letters.
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Noorani Qaida lesson 10
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أَبۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ب ءَب” (hamzah fathah ba aubbe).
إِبۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ب ءِب” (hamzah kasrah ba ibbe).
أُبۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ب ءُب” (hamzah kasrah ba ubbe).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَب ، ءِب ، ءُب (abbe, ibbe, ubbe).
أُتۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ت ءَت” (hamzah fathah ta atte).
إِتۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ت ءِت” (hamzah kasrah ta itte).
أُتۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ت ءُت” (hamzah dammah ta utte).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَت ، ءِت ، ءُت (atte, itte, utte).
Precaution: try to produce spitting sound because ت comes from the upper teeth so when you make a sukoon on it, you must produce spitting sound.
أَثۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ث ءَث” (hamzah fathah sa asse).
إِثۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ث ءِث” (hamzah kasrah sa isse).
أُثۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ث ءُث” (hamzah dammah sa usse).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَث ، ءِث ، ءُث (asse, isse, usse).
أَجۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ج ءَج” (hamzah fathah jeem ajje).
إِجۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ج ءِج” (hamzah kasrah jeem ijje).
أُجۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ج ءُج” (hamzah dammah jeem ujje).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَج ، ءِج ، ءُج (ajje, ijje, ujje).
أَخۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ح ءَح” (hamzah fathah ha ahhe).
إِخۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ح ءِح” (hamzah kasrah ha ihhe).
أُخۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ح ءُح” (hamzah dammah ha uhhe).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَح ، ءِح ، ءُح (ahhe, ihhe, uhhe).
أَخۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ خ ءَخ” (hamzah fathah kha akhkhe).
إِخۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ خ ءِخ” (hamzah kasrah kha ikhkhe).
أُخۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ خ ءُخ” (hamzah dammah kha ukhkhe).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَخ ، ءِخ ، ءُخ (akhkhe, ikhkhe, ukhkhe).
أُدۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ دال ءَد” (hamzah fathah dal adde).
إِدۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ دال ءِد” (hamzah kasrah dal idde).
أُدۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ دال ءُد” (hamzah dammah dal udde).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَد ، ءِد ، ءُد (adde, idde, udde).
أُذۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ذال ءَذ” (hamzah fathah zal azze).
إِذۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ذال ءِذ” (hamzah kasrah zal izze).
أُذۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ذال ءُذ” (hamzah dammah zal uzze).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَذ ، ءِذ ، ءُذ (azze, izze, uzze).
أُرۡ : read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ر ءَر” (hamzah fathah ra are).
إِرۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ر ءِر” (hamzah kasrah ra irre).
أُرۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ر ءُر” (hamzah dammah ra urre).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَر ، ءِر ، ءُر (arre, irre, urre).
أُزۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ز ءَز” (hamzah fathah za azze).
إِزۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ز ءِز” (hamzah kasrah za izze).
أُزۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ز ءُز” (hamzah dammah za uzze).
Pronouncing together as:
ءزَ ، ءِز ، ءُز (azze, izze, uzze).
أُسۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ س ءَس” (hamzah fathah seen asse).
إِسۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ س ءِس” (hamzah kasrah seen isse).
أُسۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ س ءُس” (hamzah dammah seen usse).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَس ، ءِس ، ءُس (ase, ise, use).
أُشۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ش ءَش” (hamzah fathah sheen ashe).
إِشۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ش ءِش” (hamzah kasrah sheen ishe).
أُشۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ش ءُش” (hamzah dammah sheen ushe).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَش ، ءِش ، ءُش (ashe, ishe, ushe).
أُصۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ص ءَص” (hamzah fathah Saad asse).
إِصۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ص ءِص” (hamzah kasrah Saad isse).
أُصۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ص ءُص” (hamzah dammah Saad usse).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَص ، ءِص ، ءُص (asse, isse, usse).
أُضۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ض ءَض” (hamzah fathah Zad aZze).
إِضۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ض ءِض” (hamzah kasrah Zad iZze).
أُضۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ض ءُض” (hamzah dammah Zad uZze).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَض ، ءِض ، ءُض (aZze, iZze, uZze).
أُطۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ط ءَط” (hamzah fathah Ta atte).
إِطۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ط ءِط” (hamzah kasrah Ta itte).
أُطۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ط ءُط” (hamzah dammah Ta utte).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَط ، ءِط ، ءُط (atte, itte, utte).
أُظۡ: read it as “ھمزہ فتحہ ظ ءَظ” (hamzah fathah Za aZze).
إِظۡ: read it as “ھمزہ کسرہ ظ ءِظ” (hamzah kasrah Za iZze).
أُظۡ: read it as “ھمزہ ضممہ ظ ءُظ” (hamzah dammah Za uZze).
Pronouncing together as:
ءَظ ، ءِظ ، ءُظ (aZze, iZze, uZze).
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